VYSO’s 95th Anniversary Concert: Honouring Our Past, Inspiring the FutureFor nearly a century, the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra (VYSO) has been a cornerstoneof music education in British Columbia, inspiring growth, creativity, and leadership in the nextgeneration. As we celebrate our 95th anniversary, we invite the musical community to join usfor a special concert on May 18 at the Orpheum—an event that not only reflects on our storiedhistory but also looks ahead to the future of classical music in Canada.
Under the leadership of distinguished conductors Dr. Jonathan Girard, Dr. Richard Dorfer, NadiaPetriw, and Jin Zhang, this final concert of our 2024/25 season is the culmination of a year ofdedication and artistry from Vancouver’s luminary homegrown talent. The performance willbring together all 280 members of our four divisional orchestras, from the foundational Debutand Junior orchestras to the more advanced Intermediate and Senior ensembles, in a dazzlingdisplay of musical achievement.
We are thrilled to feature Joanna G’froerer, VYSO alumna and Principal Flutist of the NationalArts Centre Orchestra, as our distinguished soloist. A testament to the VYSO’s legacy ofexcellence, Joanna’s career has taken her to some of the world’s most prestigious stages, andwe are honoured to welcome her back to perform with the next generation of young musicians.
A dynamic and diverse repertoire defines the afternoon’s performance, including Canadiancompositions and orchestral works that showcase our exceptional talent and musicianship. Theprogram features Bramwell Tovey’s Sky Chase, a thrilling and cinematic piece full of energy andmovement; the Coast Salish Anthem arranged by William Rowson, which pays tribute toIndigenous musical traditions; and Oskar Morawetz’s Carnival Overture, a vibrant andcelebratory work. These selections, alongside other program highlights, promise an excitingconcert filled with passion, precision, and a deep appreciation for Canadian musical heritage.
An orchestra is not just a collection of players—it is alive and thriving, evolving, and continually reaching new heights. Music nourishes the soul, just as food sustains the body. This concert is acelebration of the many spiritual gifts of music, including its power to connect us with both friends and strangers.
Whether you are a long-time supporter or new to the VYSO, we welcome you to join us on May18 to experience the excitement, the beauty, and the unforgettable moments that makeorchestral music so extraordinary.
For ticketing details and more information, visit