About sean.bickerton

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So far sean.bickerton has created 166 blog entries.

Jon Washburn Receives CMC BC 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award

Conductor and Composer Jon Washburn was presented with CMC BC's 2019 Barbara Pentland Lifetime Achievement Award at his final concert conducting the Vancouver Chamber Choir as Music Director Friday night, May 10. My remarks in presenting the award to Jon follow: It would be impossible to conceive of anyone on this Earth more deserving of the Canadian [...]

By |2019-05-13T11:29:27-07:0013 May 2019|Categories: News|Tags: |

Winners Of 2019 Vancouver Chamber Choir Young Composers Competition

(pictured above: five winners of Grade Five Song-Writing Competition) On Friday night, May 10, 2019, CMC BC presented Barbara Pentland Awards of Excellence for Outstanding Composition to winners of the Vancouver Chamber Choir's Young Composers Competition. BC Director presenting Antoine Villéger with Barbara Pentland Award of Excellence BC Director Sean Bickerton, on hand [...]

By |2019-05-12T14:47:30-07:0012 May 2019|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

CMC BC Welcomes New Members To BC Advisory Council

CMC BC is pleased to welcome three new members to the BC Advisory Council of the Canadian Music Centre, who were were elected at the BC Annual Meeting held on Monday, April 15, 2019 in CMC BC's Murray Adaskin Salon. The new Council members are Rosemary Thompson, Music Director of the Okanagan Symphony; and Joanne Harada, former VP [...]

By |2019-05-09T13:55:04-07:009 May 2019|Categories: News|

CMC Celebrates 60th Anniversary With Launch of New Website & Digital Magazine

A Letter From CMC President & CEO, Glenn Hodgins Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Canadian Music Centre’s digital magazine, CMC Résonance! For 60 years, the CMC has been a voice and home for contemporary Canadian composers. Our goal for CMC Résonance is to create a new space to celebrate artistic communities, supporters, and [...]

By |2019-05-09T11:03:59-07:009 May 2019|Categories: News|

Winners of Langley Community Music School Young Composers Competition

(Pictured above: CMC BC Director Sean Bickerton with recent winners of LCMS Young Composers Competition) Langley Community Music School (LCMS) held their third annual Young Composers Competition last month. The competition is offered to music students working at the Junior, Senior, and Post-Secondary levels. BC Director Sean Bickerton presenting Barbara Pentland Award of Excellence [...]

By |2019-04-25T14:21:54-07:0025 April 2019|Categories: News|

Deadline for Jean Coulthard String Quartet Readings Extended To May 1

Responding to requests from a number of teachers, we have extended the deadline for this year's Jean Coulthard String Quartet Readings to May 1. Dr. Jennifer Butler Led by Composer-Mentor Dr. Jennifer Butler and supported by CMC BC Librarian and composer Jordan Nobles, emerging composers are asked to submit drafts of five-minute quartets for [...]

By |2019-04-17T11:26:30-07:0017 April 2019|Categories: News|

Third Annual Jean Coulthard String Quartet Readings

2019 Seminar Features Composer Dr. Jennifer Butler, Borealis String Quartet & artwork from Rennie Museum Exhibition The Canadian Music Centre is pleased to announce the third annual Jean Coulthard String Quartet Readings, a seminar led this year by Composer Mentor Jennifer Butler, with quartets read and performed by the Borealis String Quartet, inspired by art from [...]

By |2019-04-04T14:14:57-07:004 April 2019|Categories: News|Tags: |

Reflections on CMC BC’s Murray Adaskin Salon And The Great Man Himself

Written by Rodney Sharman Hand Murray Adaskin’s handwriting is engraved on the glass windows to Vancouver’s Davie Street, the only ornament in the concert space bearing his name. Murray was of the generation where left-handed children were forced to write with their right hands. Watching him write words or music was like watching someone draw: [...]

By |2019-04-03T16:02:48-07:003 April 2019|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Jordan Nobles Joins CMC BC As New Library Assistant

We are pleased to announce that Jordan Nobles will start as CMC BC's new Library Assistant on Tuesday, February 19. The new appointment also makes it possible for us to extend CMC BC Library hours to open Saturday afternoons for the first time. On February 19th onward, Jordan will be available for repertoire consultations, our highly-specialized Music [...]

By |2019-02-14T10:48:21-08:0014 February 2019|Categories: News|

Carl Winter Wins 2019 Pentland Prize in Composition

The Canadian Music Centre in BC is thrilled to announce that Vancouver composer and recent SFU graduate Carl Winter is the winner of this year's Pentland Prize in Composition, a $1,000 scholarship awarded annually to a graduate composition student at UBC, SFU, or UVIC. CMC BC gratefully acknowledges the generosity of Dr. Geoffrey Newman, who makes this annual [...]

By |2019-02-04T10:17:52-08:004 February 2019|Categories: News|
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