CMC BC Artist-in-Residence Program (AiR)

The Canadian Music Centre in BC (CMC BC) is pleased to continue it’s Artist in Residence program for the upcoming 2025 season. Select artists (composers, performers, small ensembles) will be chosen as ‘Artists in Residence’ in CMC BC’s Murray Adaskin Salon.

These residencies are offered to artists involved in the production or researching of Canadian Music. The Canadian Music Centre in BC has always tried to support and encourage artists in our community and continues to do so with this investment in a private, creative working space to focus on your goals.

The AiR program is a flexible model to encourage experimentation and creativity. Basically you decide what you need to work on and we give you the space and time within which to do it.

Benefits include:

  • Up to 20 days of weekday office time in the Murray Adaskin Salon, subject to demand and availability. (Dates to be pre-arranged at time of approval.) Eligible hours are from 10-4 Monday to Friday excepting statutory holidays.
  • CMC BC’s Barbara Pentland Library of 25,000 Canadian scores.
  • Murray Adaskin’s 1960 Heintzman Salon Grand Piano (no intrusive piano technique)
  • Manhasset music stands, Wenger Musician Chairs, and folding tables.
  • A 110′′ high-definition screen A/V projection system with MacMini, HDMI, and VGAinputs, and Stereo ADAM F7 studio monitors.
  • Printer and wifi.
  • Scores printed and bound for composition projects
  • KitchenThere is no application fee for the Artist-in-Residence Program. Selections are made depending on eligibility and how closely the project you are hoping to achieve fits with our mandate of supporting Canadian Composers and bringing their music to life. There is also no deadline and applicant can submit for a residency up to twelve months in advance.Composers, performers and small ensembles at all career stages, are encouraged to apply. Proposals should mention what your goals for the residency would be. If you have any questions please contact us at