Renewal is very much in the air. We can see it all around us as the natural world gives birth again to abundance and plenty, ushering in entire new generations of insects and birds and animal life and the plants that sustain us all. 

I’ve been working up on the Sunshine Coast for personal business that couldn’t be delayed. I also came seeking my own renewal and regeneration. Particularly as we approach our online Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, a time for both reflection and renewal of our CMC.

This cyclical nature of our lives, of the world, of the seasons, of our own sleeping and waking, of our work, of our Solar System, of life and death itself, is ultimately what makes continuity possible. Every one of us, and every organization, needs time for reflection, for renewal, for regeneration, for reinvention, for restoration, for revival. 

Join us on May 26, to help us review our accomplishments, to reassess our situation, to reevaluate our assumptions and renew our commitments to the values we all share. To revisit where we’ve been and recommit to our common, shared future.

As we’ve learned this year more acutely than ever before, we are all part of a shared ecology, and we are so much less without each other. So join us in reconvening together, in recognition of how important we all are to each other and to this world of creativity and performance and caring of which we are so lucky to be part. 

I hope we’ll see you online on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7pm. All are welcome. RSVP to . Zoom coordinates, an Agenda, as well as last year’s minutes will be provided after receiving your RSVP.

We will be presenting this year’s Barbara Pentland Lifetime Achievement Award, paying tribute to composers whose lives were lost this past year, reviewing finances, looking back at what’s been accomplished and what we plan for the balance of 2021, and electing a new BC Advisory Council. 

Please join us. We’ve missed you!