CMC BC is pleased to welcome three new members to the BC Advisory Council of the Canadian Music Centre, who were were elected at the BC Annual Meeting held on Monday, April 15, 2019 in CMC BC’s Murray Adaskin Salon.
The new Council members are Rosemary Thompson, Music Director of the Okanagan Symphony; and Joanne Harada, former VP Artistic Planning with the Vancouver Symphony; who were both elected for the first time. And rejoining Council is composer Dr. Robert Pritchard, a music Professor at UBC. Members are elected for two-year terms and may serve up to three terms.
- Rosemary Thompson
- Joanne Harada
- Robert Pritchard
They join existing members Dr. Keith Hamel, Chair; Ms. Heather Pawsey, Vice-Chair; Dr. Jennifer Butler, Dr. Dorothy Chang, Dr. Stephen Chatman, Ms. Katerina Gimon, Dr. Rachel Iwaasa, Ms. Susan Wong Lim, Dr. William F. Orr, Mr. David Owen, Mr. Jesse Read, Dr. Sabrina Schroeder, Ms. Carrie Tennant, and Ms. Leslie Uyeda.
The BC Advisory Council of the Canadian Music Centre has been a champion for the creation, performance, and teaching of composition in BC for forty-one years. The very first council, which met in January, 1978, included Barbara Pentland, Phyllis Mailing, Rudolf Komorous, Murray Adaskin, Alex Pauk, and Jon Washburn.
For more information about the BC Advisory Council, please contact sean.bickerton at
CMC BC benefits greatly from funds received from the Government of BC through the BC Arts Council, BC Charitable Gaming Association, the City of Vancouver, the Government of Canada through Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council, and the SOCAN Foundation, in addition to many kind donors who support our work.