The Living World 【生生不息】: Sound of Dragon Ensemble!
Saturday April 12, 2025 at the Annex (823 Seymour St. Vancouver)
8pm concert
Tickets 購票
$19.99 regular (Early Bird $15 by March 20, 2025),
$15 students/seniors/children,
free for children under 12
THE LIVING WORLD is a collection of compositions inspired by nature, the landscape, and mythical creatures. Representing our shared curiosity about the world around us, these common themes continue to serve as endless sources of inspiration in the arts in different cultures and are brought together in the Sound of Dragon Ensemble’s upcoming concert at 8pm on Saturday April 12 at the Annex in Vancouver.
To continue a long-term collaborative relationship and prepare for a return tour to Asia in the fall, the Sound of Dragon Ensemble welcomes back Taiwanese conductor Chih Sheng Chen to lead it in a concert combining Chinese and Western instruments to premiere four new compositions. The concert will be accompanied by a backdrop of animated visuals created by Taiwanese artist Li Tung.
“Taiwanese Dragon Legends” (2025, world premiere) – Chihchun Chi-sun Lee (Taiwan/US/Korea)
《臺灣神龍傳奇》- 李志純(台灣/美國/韓國)作曲
“The Suspension of_____” (2023-2024, world premiere) – Tim Brady (Montreal)
《懸》– 霆.伯瑞迪 (蒙特婁)作曲
“Tarasque” (2023, world premiere) – Elizabeth Knudson (Vancouver)
《獅蠍獸》- 伊莉莎白.努德森(溫哥華)作曲
“The Grey Tree: Shadow to Light” (2024-2025, world premiere) – Edward Top (Vancouver/Amsterdam)
《灰樹:光影》- 愛德華.托普(荷蘭/溫哥華)作曲
“From the Stars” (2017, 2023) – Lan Tung (Vancouver/Taiwan)
《星空》- 董籃(台灣/溫哥華)作曲
“The Ocean of Tears” (2021) – Moshe Denburg (Vancouver)
《淚海》- 莫諧.丹伯格(溫哥華)作曲
The Sound of Dragon Ensemble is dedicated to creating/presenting new works for the combination of Chinese and Western instruments and presenting contemporary music of Chinese roots/influences to the world stage. Established in 2015, the Sound of Dragon Ensemble’s instrumentation has been carefully selected by pairing Chinese and western instruments in the families of bowed strings, plucked strings, and winds, completed by a collection of percussion instruments from both the East and the West. The ensemble’s repertoire represents original Canadian intercultural art music and breaks down genre boundaries, crossing over Chinese traditions, contemporary music, world fusion, and improvisation.